Greenville Technical College Prisma Health Center for Health & Life Sciences Building

Greenville, SC

Greenville Technical College
Delivery Method
CM At-Risk

Project Description

Harper was selected as the Construction Manager At-Risk to construct this three-story, approximately 137,366 SF academic classroom building for Health and Life Sciences programs on Greenville Technical College’s Barton Campus. This state-of-the-art facility will have top-tier science laboratories, a mammography X-ray lab, classrooms, student engagement areas, a cyber-café, faculty offices, and Anatomage tables for virtual learning. The site where this new facility is located was previously a landfill for the local municipality. Due to the challenges on the site, the project is built on rammed aggregate piers and has involved our project team in developing creative solutions for using the onsite soils. This facility will create a new hub for aspiring healthcare professionals to support the ever-growing Upstate and beyond.

This project received 2 Green Globe Certifications.

Read more about how our project team focused on driving satisfaction for Greenville Technical College in our Groundbreak Carolinas Article.